Black Feminist Thought

Black feminist thought advocates for a humanist perspective (Collins, 1990; hooks; Walker).

Black feminist thought examines the intersectionality of race, gender, and class on Black women’s experiences.


Collins, P. H. (2002). Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Routledge.

The Pros and Cons of Black History Month

Since this is the start of Black History Month 2019, I think it is appropriate to discuss the pros and cons of celebrating Black History Month

Question: What are the pros and cons of celebrating Black History Month?

To jump start the discussion, I will include the claims of four scholars who have written about the topic:


Doharty (2019): “Applying a racial microaggressions framework to ethnographic data, this paper finds that experiences of studying Black History by students of African and Caribbean descent are dominated by various types of racial microggressions including: micro-validation, micro-insults and micro-assaults” (p. 110).

King & Brown (2014): “Our goal was to uncover various ways in which teachers navigate or interrupt ‘official curriculum’ that marginalizes the history of Black Americans” (p. 23).

Sotiropoulos (2017): “It demonstrates the importance of theorizing black history as American history rather than just including African American content in US History courses and offers specific methods that can shift the narrative in this direction even within the confines of a more traditional telling of the American past” (p. 121).

Van de Mieroop (2016): “The article makes the claim that it is precisely a surfeit of black history that has encouraged the view that racism is vanishing in the river of time” (p. 3)

My Pre-Reading Thoughts:

Based on the above claims, I think it will be interesting to read the authors’ perspectives on the pros and cons of Black History Month. I think Black History Month needs to be incorporated into the daily lessons of American History, not just relegated to one month (February); however, at the same time, I don’t have a problem with placing a special celebratory significance on one month if it is used as an opportunity to get peoples’ attention. It’s incumbent upon us to raise awareness, including an awareness that Black History is American History and worthy of daily honor and study.

Perhaps because these are scholarly articles, the focus is on studying Black History in in-school educational environments. I am curious what the perception is for out of school time activities. I am the co-coordinator for a Black History Program at my church.


Doharty, N. n. doharty@leedsbeckett. ac. u. (2019). ‘I FELT DEAD’: applying a racial microaggressions framework to Black students’ experiences of Black History Month and Black Historypass:[*] . Race, Ethnicity & Education, 22(1), 110–129.

King, L. J. 1. lagarrk@clemson. ed., & Brown, K. (2014). Once a Year to be Black: Fighting against Typical Black History Month Pedagogies. Negro Educational Review, 65(1–4), 23–43.

Sotiropoulos, K. (2017). Teaching Black History after Obama. Social Studies, 108(4), 121–128. 0

VAN DE MIEROOP, K. (2016). On the Advantage and Disadvantage of Black History Month for Life: The Creation of the Post-Racial Era. History & Theory, 55(1), 3–24.

Carter G. Woodson – The Father of Black History Month

Carter G. Woodson is considered the “father” of Black History Month, which he started as Negro History Week.

According to Bobo et al. (2004), “He received his Ph.D. from Harvard in 1912 and founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History in Washington, D.C., in 1915. Woodson published the prestigious journals Journal of Negro History and Negro History Bulletin through this organization . . . and the pioneering study The Negro in Our History (1922), which for many years was the standard text in Black history and is still considered one of the finest studies documenting Black people’s culture and history” (p. 2).

Resources on the Internet to learn more about Carter G. Woodson:

Dr. Carter G. Woodson African American Museum

What is the Definition of African American Studies?

According to Norment (2007), “African American Studies is the systematic study of descendants of Africans enslaved in America” (p. xxvii).

Bobo, et al. (2004) wrote that “Black Studies, as a socially engaged field of scholarly inquiry, is the progeny of centuries of research that seeks to redress long-standing misconceptions of Black inferiority, African heritage, and cultural significance” (p. 1).

It is very important that we (1) know and familiarize ourselves with and (2) fill in the historical record with our truths as descendants of Africans who became slaves through Western colonization. Mainstream media and educational institutions (the ones that do not support social justice perspectives) continue to view and perpetuate beliefs and ideologies that perpetuate a White, male hegemonic perspective with only one universal “Truth.”


10 Ways to Celebrate Our Past Black History Moments

  1. Go local. Check your local calendar of events for Black History programs and events in your area.
  2. Honor your personal family tree. Have you ever created a family tree? If not, now is a great time. You descend from greatness, check out your lineage.
  3. Check your state archives. Your state archives may be available online and offer insightful data and images from your state history. Florida has one online.

To be continued

The New Black Takeover

I am trying to work through my feelings, interpretations ,and perspectives on brothas and sistas  with the New Black idealogy. Michael Arceneaux wrote a piece today called “Don Lemon, Stacey Dash and Raven-Symone, on The View? Can We Stop Rewarding Simple Black Celebrities.” It is so spot on. Seems like a set up and more…